Your Wedding

Congratulations to all who are to be married at St John's! The Clergy and the Parish Team will do everything they can to ensure that arrangements go smoothly when the big day arrives and that your wedding is a memorable and happy occasion.

Interviews with the Clergy:

Couples normally meet with the Priest who will be meet them on two occasions before the wedding rehearsal. The first interview is an administrative one to confirm the wedding date and time and cover practical and legal matters, including fees.

The second interview focuses on the words and meaning of the Marriage Service itself. The wedding rehearsal, a few days before the wedding enables couples to become used to the church building and to what will happen on the day.

Order of Service:

 Couples are encouraged to have a printed Order of Service. The Clergy can provide a sample copy for guidance.


The calling of banns, a declaration of intention to marry, is a legal requirement in the Church of England. The banns must be read in St Johns Church on three consecutive Sundays before the wedding takes place. If either the bride or groom is from a different parish, then the banns must be called in that parish as well.

Photography and Videos:

No photography of any kind is permitted in church during the religious part of the ceremony as this can be intrusive and distracting. Cameras and camcorders may be used after the prayers have ended, during the signing of the registers in the Lady Chapel.


Details of the current fees are available from the Clergy, who will explain them in detail at the first wedding interview.